Seeking the Holy

Sometimes it’s easy to notice that Something or Someone beyond our understanding is present and at work. At other times, it takes intention and a detective’s spirit. We might believe God is near, but we feel distant, disconnected from God or ourselves. Here are some places and practices that help me re-member my life in God.

Already paid for…
Charlotte Johnson Charlotte Johnson

Already paid for…

When has a stranger surprised you with an act of kindness? What effect did it have on you?

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Meeting God as we Create Community
Charlotte Johnson Charlotte Johnson

Meeting God as we Create Community

This, friends, is what a community centered on Love can be. Loving our neighbor will often look like supporting others as they practice and share their unique gifts.

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Meeting God in our Welcome
Charlotte Johnson Charlotte Johnson

Meeting God in our Welcome

We were in the parish hall, where family tents were already set up. In the quiet of waiting for enchiladas to bake, my colleague asked the kids, “What does hospitality mean to you?”

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I have a complicated relationship with stillness. I like activity— the hustle and bustle of life moving around me, the promise of a full calendar, the feeling of working and accomplishing difficult tasks.

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The Two Questions
Charlotte Johnson Charlotte Johnson

The Two Questions

One of the most effective practices I know to help me notice and savor God’s presence in the ordinary stuff of my life is an evening ritual I call “the two questions.”

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Charlotte Johnson Charlotte Johnson


Walking prayer or walking meditation is one way I am able to still the “noise” in my head long enough to begin to listen for the Spirit.

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