Already paid for…

We were just two hours away from home when one of our elementary-aged kids spotted an Applebee’s sign. We’d been driving for seven hours, coming home from a week-long camping trip at Joshua Tree National Park, and we parents were dusty, tired, and very crabby. But our kids were even crabbier, so we parked, filed into the restaurant, and (thankfully!) were given a booth right away.

If you’ve camped with preschool and young elementary-aged children before, you might be able to imagine our moods. Deciding what to order felt like a monumental task, but soon we were wolfing down burgers, fries, and soda. Our children had stopped their bickering once the food came. In the silence, though, my husband and I began quarreling with each other. By the time we were finished eating, the kids were chattering happily about their memories from the trip, but we adults were very annoyed.

The server was taking a while to bring us our bill, so I sent the rest of the family out to get settled in the car while I waited. When I finally got her attention, though, she said, “Your bill has already been paid by someone who just wanted to do a nice thing for you all. Have a great night!”

After a moment of disbelief, all my irritability vanished. I felt seen, understood, and cared for, and I couldn’t wait to tell my family. Suddenly, the weight of the day lifted and I felt free. That simple act of generosity told me I wasn’t alone. Even more, it expanded my imagination for what $40 could do!

When has a stranger surprised you with their kindness? What effect did it have on you?


Every. Single. One.